Teorico della dromologia (scienza che studia la velocità), il filosofo Paul Virilio (Parigi 1932) è autore di una riflessione critica – tanto diffusa quanto discussa – sulla pervasività delle nuove tecnologie e sui rischi a essa associati.
In un’intervista pubblicata nel 2000, alla domanda di John Armitage «Could you explain your interest in what you call ‘the transplant revolution’?», Virilio risponde:
«Oh yes, this is the ‘Third Revolution’. In the realm of speed, the first revolution was that of transportation, the invention of the steam engine, the combustion engine, the electrical motor, the jet engine and the rocket. The second revolution is the revolution of transmission, and it is happening right now in electronics, but it began with Marconi, radio and television. The third revolution, which is intimately linked to the miniaturization of objects, is the transplantation revolution. By this term I mean that technology is becoming something physically assimilable, it is a kind of nourishment for the human race, through dynamic inserts, implants and so on».